Qigong Fundamentals and Sound Healing with Jeanette, May 4

Join Jeanette for a rejuvenating experience that combines the soothing practice of Qigong with the transcendent sounds of Tibetan Singing Bowls.

This session will introduce you to:

  • Qigong and its benefits 

  • How to stand and breathe to maximise Qi Flow 

  • Tuning into your Qi and making a Qi ball

  • The 8 actions of Qi 

  • Introduction to the 5 Elements theory and corresponding Qi Flows 

After the Qigong fundamental practice, your body will be cleared of blockages and the Qi should be flowing. This is the perfect time for a Qi nap to integrate and let the Qi flow to where it needs to go. You will then be guided to lie down comfortably and indulge in a rejuvenating sound bath where you will be immersed in the soothing sounds of Tibetan Full Moon Singing Bowls. The singing bowls will help you let go of stress and support your body's natural healing processes. Experience a moment of serenity and then gently return to full awareness, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. This session is suitable for everyone, and no prior experience with Qigong is required.


2 to 4PM


$80 per pax (Register by April 28)

Members get 10% off.

About Jeanette

Jeanette is a seasoned practitioner who specialises in helping individuals and couples connect with themselves to uncover the root of their issues. She guides them toward greater clarity, healing, and personal growth. Jeanette brings a wealth of expertise to this session as a:

- Couples Counselor

- Singing Bowl Sound Healing Practitioner (Singing Bowl Gallery)

- Trained Qigong Instructor (Yoqi)

- Level 2 QHHT Practitioner

Jeanette's personal healing journey inspired her dedication to Qigong and sound healing. Despite challenges, including an autoimmune disease that chemotherapy could not cure, she turned to various healing modalities for help. Qigong and Sound Healing played a pivotal role in her recovery. She is enthusiastic about sharing the transformative power of Qi, sound, and vibration with others.